Five Steps to Joy

"Remembering" in Lake Chelan

For generations, the Lake Chelan Valley has been a place where families come together. A literal “remembering” takes place as parents, kids, and grandparents gather to recreate the family unit. This forgetting of our self and joining the whole opens the door to joy.  Here are five steps to this "remembering" and joy.  

Remembering to Remember - Time to Reflect and Plan

Noise, distractions, and busyness muddy the stillness of the mind. Too much muddiness leads to cycles of reaction. We find ourselves behind before the start of the day.

The first step towards joy begins with the cultivation of stillness. In such quiet, one hears the whisper of wisdom. Note these whispers, then block out time during the day to follow their lead.

Define the Circle: Which Tribe is Gathering?

Lake Chelan is known for gathering friends and families. We are a recreational valley thanks to the hot sun and deep, blue lake. Certainly, circles of friends and families are closest to our hearts.

But joy springs from other less nostalgic circles as well. Consider gathering the leadership team at work, or the directors of the non-profit, or the city council members. 

The second step towards joy begins with an identification of which circle to form or join. Time is limited. We cannot be all things. But we are uniquely called to be specifically present.

Reflect upon your call and then deploy. 

Tell the Stories

In challenging moments, our deepest identities guide action. What family am I from? What profession? Who are we as a family? Who are we as a group of professionals?

The third step towards joy begins with a sharing of stories and visions. Stories about the past reinforce identity. Visions for tomorrow inspire identity into action.

This is a rich step. Whether we share around a campfire, dining room table, or board room, the air thickens quickly. Our old bones are touched when we hear a good story.

Ask the Hard Question: Who Isn’t Here?

Before, after, or during the gathering, ask the hard question. Who isn’t here? Every circle with any history has its outliers.No matter the cheer around the fireplace in the evening, at bedtime thoughts of the lost can haunt. 

The fourth step towards joy begins with a remembering of all. 

Yes, it can be more challenging when they are around.  Work to include them.  The biological in us will forever want to exclude the weak or non-conforming. Be aware.

The Bigger the Tent - The Bigger the Joy

Inclusion of the outcast requires a big heart. We learn such magnanimity by seeing it in action or hearing stories of such action. Over time we begin to own a sliver of this identity. 

And the bigger the offense, the bigger the heart. This is where the going gets tough. What actions do we consider unpardonable?

In my own walk, I found myself on the mat several years ago. Mercy came through this inspiring story called the Good News. 

The fifth step towards joy begins with identifying a source of expansive inclusion and then pursuing it. My teacher says simply: “Follow me.” 


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