Lifting up the Least at Lake Chelan

Four Valley Non-Profits to Support

Do you own a second home at Lake Chelan? Do you enjoy giving philanthropically? If you answered yes to both questions, Lake Chelan needs your help.

The Underbelly of Lake Chelan

Like most resort communities, the Lake Chelan Valley is a place of extremes. Homes on the lake sell for millions. Meanwhile, two miles away, over sixty-percent of the elementary students receive free and reduced lunch. 

When you factor in Chelan's high housing costs, the reduced-lunch family budget is tight at $50,000 (family of 4). The free-lunch family budget at $32,000 just doesn’t pencil.

Stepping into the Gap

The good news is the Lake Chelan Valley has a strong network of non-profits. In the face of our needs, countless saints work on the front lines to support families and individuals. Here is a rundown: 

Chelan Valley Hope works on the front lines of general need. It provides assistance, advocacy, and referral services to under-resourced families and individuals. Its mission is to further positive changes in people’s lives.


The Lake Chelan Food Bank provides weekly food to those with not enough. It serves individuals with dignity and respect, twice weekly on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

Thrive Chelan Valley advocates for kids in the valley. It provides financial support to immediate youth needs, coordinates youth mentoring, and operates the Lake Chelan Teen Center. Its mission is to serve, empower, and advocate for Lake Chelan Valley youth.

The Chelan Valley Housing Trust creates home-ownership opportunities for valley residents. It builds and sells financially attainable homes for valley residents. Its mission is to develop stable and secure housing that is affordable to Lake Chelan Valley residents. 

Why You? Second-home Givers

I am writing to you: second-home owners with philanthropic habits. This valley needs you.

The median income in the Lake Chelan Valley hovers just under $50,000. This is less than half the median income of the community where you likely call home. 

Relevance? First, we have fewer donors in the Lake Chelan Valley to help support those in need. Go to any non-profit fundraiser and you will see the same faces. Our giving potential is limited. 

Second, your giving dollars will go a long way at Lake Chelan (just like your real estate dollars). Your small give makes a huge impact.  

Certainly your home community deserves your primary philanthropic support. But as a Lake Chelan second-home owner, consider widening your give.

My Invitation to You:

You know the value of widening your give. With sustained giving to a local cause, your heart experiences a deeper connection. The joy of giving you experience at your first home will spring up here with your second home as well.  You will come home a bit more at Lake Chelan.  

So I invite you to pick one of the non-profits outlined above to support. One of their missions likely spoke to your heart as you read through the list. 

Next, commit to supporting this non-profit on a monthly basis as long as you own your second home. Pretty simple: support the Lake Chelan Valley you love. It could be $25/month, or $100/month, or $500/month. It all makes a difference.

Finally, you may know voices that suggest we ignore the needs of this valley. These voices write off our challenges and changes as the natural economic transition of a resort economy. 

Certainly, the challenges and changes are to be expected.  But healthy places and healthy people work to include all slices of society. The effort to include is one we should not avoid.   

Thank you for your consideration of this invitation.

The Lake Chelan Valley thanks you.


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