Crystal View Estates 101
— Location, Amenities, and Regulations —
Crystal View Estates embodies north shore luxury with artful homes, sculpted slopes, and convenient lake access. Learn more about its location, amenities, and regulations.
North Shore Location
Located uplake from Lake Chelan Hills, Crystal View Estates (CVE) consists of over 110 homesites averaging a half-acre in size. The hillside has been sculpted into a series of terraces giving each lot a lake view. To get to Crystal View Estates, drive on Highway 150 towards Manson from Chelan. Crystal View Drive intersects Highway 150 just past Lake Chelan Hills' Willows Park and winds its way up the slope with spur roads branching to the left and right. The early phases of the neighborhood located near the waterfront are filled with stately homes with mature landscaping. Higher up in the later phases, more empty lots can be seen.
Crystal View Estates enjoys two pools, a tennis court, a waterfront swim dock, and a new marina (built in 2018). The 60-slip marina contains both twenty-five and thirty-foot boat slips. The slips are licensed to CVE owners by the HOA. Licenses come for sale periodically. For reference, I helped a client purchase a boat slip license in 2020 for $50,000.
Even if you don’t have a slip, the CVE swim dock can be a fun place to spend an afternoon. When the temperature rises above ninety, pools are great, but only the lake offers true coolness. My daughter has enjoyed a number of afternoons with a friend who lives in CVE. She speaks highly of both the pools and the swim platform!

Regulations & HOA
The Homeowners Association (HOA) at CVE is exceedingly well run. The Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CCRs) offer practical direction to maintain neighborhood harmony including:
Architectural Design: The CVE design guidelines allow ample creative expression but enough structure to ensure neighborhood integrity.
View Protection: Height restrictions are in place for nearly every home site ensuring good views for all. Additionally, rules for tree height additionally ensure view preservation.
HOA minutes, budgets and more can be found on the CVE HOA website at